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Before You Buy An Espresso Machine

Instead of running to your local coffee shop or favorite corner cafe for the perfect cut of espresso, consider making your own at home. If the thought of becoming a kitchen barista has you shaking without any caffeine, think again! There are a wide variety of espresso machines that are geared for home use, from the basic to the same machines used by the professionals. However, before you drop a couple hundred of dollars on that top of the line espresso machine, consider your options and needs. Also, if you are experiencing sticker shock from some of the higher end espresso machines, keep in mind that you are saving a great deal on a daily basis by avoiding high priced indulgences at coffee shops or cafes.

The first think you should know before choosing a home espresso machine is that there are several different varieties of machines. Each different type of machine will come with a different price tag and different capabilities. Although the top of the line machine may be nice, it may not necessarily meet your needs. Instead of buying an espresso machine simply because it is deemed the ‘best’, buy a machine that you can (and will) use on a regular basis. The different types of home espresso machines are:

Pump Espresso: Typically what you will find in a coffee shop, a pump espresso machine are usually made for commercial purposes, but can be used in your home. Be prepared to expand your budget if you are looking to purchase a pump espresso machine, since they are typically the priciest of the bunch. Also, pump espresso machines are usually the largest, heaviest, and noisiest of the options, but it produces a fantastic cup of espresso. These machines work by using a pump to keep the water pressure at an appropriate level.

Piston Espresso: If you are looking for a great, low maintenance espresso machine, consider those than run on a piston or lever system. Instead of a pump to create pressure, these machines use a level that must be maneuvered in order to create steam. Although a piston espresso machine is very quiet, they may require a great deal of arm strength to continually pull on the lever. Furthermore, the piston espresso machine is capable of making a great cup of espresso, but it may take practice to get the hang of the process.

Steam Espresso: Using steam to create pressure to make the espresso, these steam powered espresso machines are typically the type found in the home. With smaller machines that occupy less space and cost less money, steam espresso machines are quite quick and easy to use. However, keep in mind that the steam produced may not provide the appropriate level of pressure, so the steam level should be constantly maintained.

Moka Pots: Moka Pots are a stove-top method to producing espresso. The process is simple and easy, although the final product may be less than professional. Using specially designed two-part pot, the steam produced by the water boiling in the bottom of the pot is forced into the top part of the pot, where the coffee is boiling. It requires a great deal less pressure than the other types of home espresso machines, but there is no milk frothing or foaming attachments, so you may have to sacrifice that feature for price and size.

Any one of these different types of home espresso machines will allow you to make a delicious cup of espresso. Your choice should be based upon needs, usability, overall size of the machine, and of course the price. A high end espresso machine can run up a bill in the thousands of dollars.

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The Art Of Roasting Coffee

Could there be anything better than a hot, fresh brewed cup of coffee? As you open that can of pre-ground Maxwell House Coffee, did you even know that coffee comes in different roasts? Did you know that you can roast your own coffee beans at home? If you think that the aroma of your fresh ground coffee beans can’t be beat, get a home coffee roaster, you’ll be in Java Heaven.

Roasting the coffee beans is what imparts flavor. Similar to the making of a fine wine or a hand rolled cigar, some consider the roasting of coffee beans as an art. Those that describe coffee use some of the same vocabulary they use to describe wine. Depending on the roast level chosen the beans take on different flavor characteristics. The lighter the coffee bean the less flavor it will have, the darker the coffee bean the stronger the flavor it will have.

There are generally four different categories of roast. A light roast (American) , a medium roast (Breakfast), a dark roast (French), and darkest roast (Italian or espresso). Each type of roast imparts a different appearance to the coffee beans.

When a coffee bean is roasted to an American roast the beans will have a very light color to them and they will appear dry. A medium roasted bean, or Breakfast roast will have a rich brown color and will be oily in appearance. A French roasted coffee bean will have a very oily appearance with the beans appearing very dark brown. The darkest roasted beans or Espresso beans will appear black.

Coffee roasting can easily be done in your home. Depending on the roast that you desire you can roast coffee in five to fifteen minutes. Green beans are available online from a number of sellers, as are coffee roasters. Choose different types of green coffees to sample. Drum roasters are very popular for use in the home. It’s best to consider purchasing a roaster as it will give you the most consistent finish to your beans. Some try to roast beans in frying pans, some use hot air popcorn poppers. While each of these techniques will work, as mentioned above they don’t give a consistent finish to all the beans and you will most likely be disappointed in the result.


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Coffee Pods – For The Lazy Coffee Drinker

A Coffee Pod is a machine which is used for brewing coffee instantly at any time we wish. There seems to be many companies who are manufacturing bunch of coffee pods which are now available in the supermarkets. A few manufacturers of coffee pods are Black & Decker, Melitta, Phillips, Senseo, Folgers and many more. All these machines seem to come in different sizes. These machines also have the tendency to drip after making each cup of coffee. Very soon these coffee pod manufacturing companies are thinking of bringing newer and better tasting coffee pods into the markets.

∑ Anyone can make his own coffee pod at home very easily

Some don’t like their regular pod coffee maker and other don’t have their own coffee pod machine. Here is a very good solution for all those people who love to drink coffee as they can now make their own coffee pod at home very easily. Anyone can make this coffee pod with his regular kitchen appliances. So here are the few things they will need to make their own coffee pod at home, they are stainless steel measuring scoop, jar, filter, etc. Now here is a brief process of preparing coffee pod at home.

Firstly what one will need is that a stainless steel measuring scoop which should fit into the pod holder of the coffee maker. Next he has to look for jar which must fit nicely inside the measuring scoop. Then he has to find for a coffee filter that can serve 5 cups of coffee. Now the jar should be set into the scoop of the pod holder. The coffee pod will be better if everything fits well. Now he has to take the coffee filter and has to shape the filter evenly over the end of the jar. The filter paper should be placed at the center of the jar. Next he has to invert the jar and has to place it in the measuring scoop. Now he has to remove the jar and leave the cup-shaped filter in the measuring cup.

Now he just has to add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee to the paper cup filter. The typical coffee makers use scoops which can hold about 7 Gms of coffee. Next shake the cup slightly in order to spread the ground coffee evenly across the bottom of the filter inside the jar. In this way the ground coffee can be completely covered. Finally the expected coffee pod is ready. One thing must be remembered that before each brewing cycle the pod holder should be cleaned in order to make sure that nothing is blocking the holes of the pod.

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Brewing A Great Cup Of Coffee

Today, I will propose to you how to make a great cup of coffee. You can do it. There are a few secrets to the process. I will share these with you.

Start with the bean and pick your roast. Quality coffee can only come from a quality coffee bean that is properly roasted. The process of roasting a coffee bean is complex and can result in a given bean tasting very different depending on how it is roasted. If you desire a strong intense flavor to your coffee, choose a dark roast (ex: French Roast). If you like to a light flavor, less intense, choose a lighter roast.

Never use pre-ground coffee. Pre-ground coffee will lose its flavor and essence within a short period of time. Grinding before you brew will assure you that no flavor is lost due to time.

Always use cold filtered water when brewing your coffee. The water you use represents 98% of your cup of coffee. Filtering the water will remove impurities that could affect the taste. Poor quality water can come from a variety of sources. Example, older house will have older pipes. Theses pipes tend to give the water an off flavor. You will want to remove this by filtering. The basic rule is the better the water, the better the coffee.

Skip the paper filters and go for the gold. Yes, these are 23k gold plated stainless steel filters. Paper filters will influence the flavor of the coffee in a negative manner. The Gold plated filters influence the flavor by allowing natural oils to infiltrate into your brew, adding a level of flavor and aroma you wont find with paper coffee filters. Another plus is that these filters can be reused over and over, and will last a very long time. Not only will your coffee be better, but you will be helping the environment by saving on waste.

Never over do it on the add-ins. Cut down on the sugar, cream, and other flavor add-ins to really enjoy the true essence of the brew. If we disguise the coffee to much; we will never know the true taste.

Part of what makes a great cup of coffee is how and when we enjoy it. We all have our favorite time and rituals. For me, nothing beats enjoying a great cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and reading the paper.

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